Bad 4 Business Purpose

Business Detective / Owner Sean Perry  Started Bad 4 Business in 2016 as an private business to stop the abuse of companies,  company employees and Municipalities from abusing their powers towards people within society. 

Bad 4 Business is not around looking to harm your business (municipality, entity). Only to help your business (municipality, entity)  fix flaws. The problem is most of these flaws are not new flaws, they are consistent flaws that doesn’t change, which is why the fees are steep. To help business (municipality, entity) recognize how immediately these flaws must be fixed. The fines help the business or entity never back track because no one wants to deal with the fees.

Bad 4 Business is here to help the business (municipality, entity) recognize flaws and grow from fixing them. Not to destroy the business (municipality, entity) or the community. Refusing to fix the issues and pay the fines causes such to happen. A business (municipality, entity) refusal to accept something's out of order, destroys  the community and business (municipality, entity). Bad 4 Business understand  it is difficult to accept the fees that have been set as well as accept that a (your) business (municipality, entity) are wrong, because you trust the business (municipality, entity), the people and your community. You trust that they are making the right decisions and if they are not these fees are more than  desirable to hand. Bad 4 Business  can assure you there are many benefits to accept  criticism and make payment to a wise company such as Bad4Business.

1. Boost your Business (municipality, entity)
2. Bring Joy to your community / customers 
3. Build better Employees /Better staff  and  community
4. Increase Revenue Value
5. Keep Business (municipality, entity) community / customers flourishing

Disadvantages for refusal to pay

1. Loss of clientele  within your business 
2. Clash of business success   
3. Loss of financial funds to keep business thriving 4. Uncomfortable clientele / customers
5. Stressful economic environment

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